Purchasing our offerings is easy.
Just send us an email indicating the items you want.
We will let you know the total price including shipping and handling.
MDB Ventures does not maintain telephone support for ordering.
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The prices shown are for the listed item only. It does not include packaging, handling or postage.
Total order cost will include the packaging, handling and postage fee.
Due to the highly volatile nature of the tube business, all prices are subject to change without notice.
Buyer pays for all packaging, handling and postage required.
Domestic (USA) Shipping cost is calculated as the cost of postage plus a $2.50 packing and handling fee per shipment.
International Shipping cost is calculated as the cost of postage plus a $5.00 packing and handling fee per shipment.
Buyer must email shipping location before we can provide total cost of the purchase.
We accept PAYPAL and Money Orders only in US Dollars. We do not accept personal checks.
Credit card orders are only available via PAYPAL.
International buyers must pay via PAYPAL.
Shipment is by USPS.
Note: Please wait for us to send you the total price (including shipping and handling) before sending payment.
Contact MDB Ventures
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With PayPal, you can send money to any email address.
One of the reasons you don't see other suppliers providing test results in their listings is that all tubes are fragile. Specific tubes may change or fail during storage. It is also more expensive and time consuming to track specific test results for each tube. Also a specific listed tube may have already been sold and the catalog not yet updated. All these issues create added complications to the order process which other suppliers prefer to avoid where they can.
All the measurements shown were made at the time the tubes were tested before being placed in storage. Due to the fragile nature of vacuum tubes, they can change characteristics or fail during storage and or shipment.
We retest all our tubes before shipment to verify that they meet the original test results. If the tube has changed characteristics, if it has developed a failure during storage, or is no longer available due to being damaged or is already sold, we will notify you of the problem. You can continue with the order, change your order to a different tube, or cancel all or part of the order. Should this sort of problem arise, we wish to apologize in advance for any inconvience that may result.
In some cases the tubes are such that we cannot test them either because we do not have the equipment to test the tubes or the test information is unknown. In those cases we will indicate that the tube has not been tested. We will provide as much information as we have available about the tube. Untested tubes are sold in the condition stated.
Due to the highly volatile nature of the tube business, all Prices are subject to change without notice.
Because some tubes are rare, we may not have a replacement available. In the case of NOS tubes, we may have a Used tube available. Always contact us first for availability.
Our vacuum tubes come primarily from estate sales and closed TV and Radio repair shops. Most of the tubes have been in storage for decades, most for fourty to eighty years. Because of this, many of the boxes that the tubes were originally shipped in have long since deteriorated or are well worn and/or damaged from the many decades of storage and handling. A few have some water damage from leaky storage facilities. While the boxes of some of the tubes may no longer look new, relabled, or may be missing entirely, the tubes themselves are perfectly fine.
Contact MDB Ventures