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Newly Added Discount Bargain Items

New Batch of Bargain Items Added
Item: [MINI7-MIX-6] - Lot of 600 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI7-MIX-5] - Lot of 400 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI7-MIX-20] - Lot of 100 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-10] - Lot of 600 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-19] - Lot of 400 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-21] - Lot of 100 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [12AU6-nn] - Lot of 12 used 12AU6 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-30] - Lot of 64 mixed used minature 12volt 7pin radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-31] - Lot of 64 mixed used minature 12volt 7pin 12AV6 and 12AT6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-32] - Lot of 64 used minature 12volt 7pin 12AV6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-33] - Lot of 125 used minature 12volt 7pin 12BA6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-34] - Lot of 64 used minature 12volt 7pin 12BA6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-nn] - Lot of 8 used 12BE6 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12BE6-14] - Lot of 16 used 12BE6 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12AV6-15] - Lot of 26 used 12AV6 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JW8-1] - Lot of 19 new and used 6JW8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6GH8] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [25BQ6-1] - Lot of 22 new/used type 25BQ6 and 12BQ6 vacuum tubes
Item: [MSH-1] - Lot of 21 Small Tube Shields
Item: [ECAPS-1] - Eleven Large Computer Grade Electrolytic Capacitors
Item: [ECAP5] - Lot of two Sprague 16mf 150v Capacitors
Item: [ECAP6] - Lot of two Electrolytic Can Capacitors
Item: [HGEN-1] - Antique Hand Crank Generators
Item: [PRE-30] - Lot of 29 Used Damaged Preoctal Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12H6] - Lot of 12H6/VT214 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [25C5] - Lot of 25C5 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [35C5] - Lot of 35C5 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [50C5] - Lot of 50C5 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [SUBM-1] - Subminiature Radio Vacuum Tubes With Sockets And Retainer Clips

Close out specials!

Item [HOTSPOTTER] -- Hotspotter V6.0 for Turbo Pascal - NOS
Item: [FLATS-n] - Radio Vacuum Tube Flat Lots
Item: [BAT-n] - Radio Vacuum Tube Boxed Lots

Discount Bargain Items

Item: [AFRIBSY-1] - Small Almac Frisby
Item: [FLASHLIGHT-1] - Pocket Flashlight
Item: [COAX-1] - Lot of ten each 12 foot long coax cables
Item: [COAX-2] - Lot of ten each 12 foot long coax cables
Item: [HS-TO5-1] - Two Large TO5 Heatsinks
Item: [CAP3300-1] - 3300uF 35V Electrolytic Capacitor Radial Leads
Item: [MEMBUS-1] - Memory Power Bus
Item: [ACTUATOR-1] - Solinoid Actuator
Item: [MSH-1] - Lot of 21 Small Tube Shields

Discount Bargain Items

Item: [ECAP5] - Lot of two Sprague 16mf 150v Capacitors
Item: [ECAP6] - Lot of two Electrolytic Can Capacitors
Item: [ECAPS-1] - Eleven Large Computer Grade Electrolytic Capacitors
Item: [HSINK-1] - Large TO5 Heatsink
Item: [HSINK-2] - Large Heatsink With Fan
Item: [HSINK-3] - Large Diode Heatsink
Item: [HSINK-4] - Large TO5 Heatsink
Item: [PRJ-PCB2] - Fiberglass PCB Project Board
Item: [PS1] - Five Used Power Supplies
Item: [XFMR-20] - Two Used Power Transformers
Item: [PS2] - Pair of 34VAC Power Supplies
Item: [ASP-202] - ASP-202 Antenna Adapter

Discount Bargain Items

Item: [ETAPE-1] - Endless Loop Tape Drive
Item: [HGEN-1] - Antique Hand Crank Generators

Discount Bargain Junque

Item: [C-JUNQUE] - Antique Junque Compactrons by the pound
Item: [MINI-TUBES-1] - 7 and 9 pin miniature used vacuum tubes by the pound
Item: [OCT-TUBES-1] - octal used vacuum tubes by the pound
Item: [JUNQUE-GLASS] - Antique Junque Glass - Free Broken Tubes

Discount Bargain Tube Flats

Item: [LOK-3] - Lot of 194 NOS 7H7 Loktal (loctal) Vacuum Tubes
Item: [LOK-6] - Lot of 121 used Loktals (loctal) Vacuum Tubes
Item: [EFLAT4] - Lot of 96 Used Vacuum Tubes

Discount Bargain Batches

Item: [LBAT-12] - Lot of 360 New and Used Miniature and Large Vacuum Tubes
Item: [LBAT-18] - Lot of 300 New and Used Miniature and Large Vacuum Tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B8)

Item [6B7-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6B7 vacuum tubes
Item [6JE6-1] - One used type 6JE6 vacuum tube
Item [6LF6-1] - Lot of 3 used type 6LF6 vacuum tubes
Item [6T8-2] - Lot of 30 used type 6T8 vacuum tubes
Item [6T8-3] - Lot of 30 used type 6T8 vacuum tubes
Item [6T8-4] - Lot of 30 used type 6T8 vacuum tubes
Item [6T8-5] - Lot of 30 used type 6T8 vacuum tubes
Item [9004-1] - Lot of 8 NOS/NIB 9004 acorn vacuum tubes
Item [Mix-9] - Ten used 6A7/6B7/2A7/6D6 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B9)

Item: [KIT-1] - Re-tube Kit for BC-745 Radio
Item: [3Q4-1] - 5-Pack of NOS Tung-Sol 3Q4 Battery Radio Tubes
Item: [3Q4-2] - 10-Pack of NOS Sylvania 3Q4 Battery Radio Tubes
Item: [6LB6-2] - Two used 6LB6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6LX6-3] - Lot of 2 used type 6LX6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6MJ6-2] - Four used 6MJ6/6LQ6/6JE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [811-3] - Lot of 2 used type 811 vacuum tubes
Item: [3B2-1] - Lot of 2 NOS type 3B2 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B6)

Item: [6A7-1] - Lot of ten 6A7-G Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6A7-2] - Lot of ten 6A7-G Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6AF9-1] - Lot of eight used 6AF9 tubes
Item: [6AF9-2] - Lot of eight used 6AF9 tubes
Item: [6SN7-20] - Lot of two used 6SN7 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B3)

Item: [6CG8-1] - Lot of 20 used type 6CG8 tubes
Item: [6CG8-2] - Lot of 20 used type 6CG8 tubes
Item: [6CG8-3] - Lot of 20 used type 6CG8 tubes
Item: [5AU4-1] - Matched pair of 5AU4 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6Y9-1] - Lot of eight used 6Y9 tubes
Item: [6Y9-2] - Lot of six used 6Y9 tubes
Item: [6LB6-1] - Two used 6LB6 vacuum tubes
Item: [40KD6-3] - Lot of four used 40KD6/36KD6 vacuum tubes
Item: [40KD6-1] - Lot of 2 used type 40KD6 vacuum tubes
Item: [1644-1] - Lot of five used 1644 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B7)

Item: [5Y3-7] - Lot of two 5Y3-G Vacuum Tubes
Item: [5Y3-9] - Lot of two 5Y3-G Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6A7-3] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-4] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-5] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-6] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-7] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-8] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6A7-9] - Lot of 10 used type 6A7 vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-4] - Ten used 6A7/2A6/2B7/2X2 vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-5] - Ten used 6A7/6D6/2A6/2B7/2X2 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B5)

Item: [803-1] - Two 803 transmitter vacuum tubes
Item: [2050-5] - Five used type 2050-W thyratron vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-3] - Ten used 83V/6Y5/6E6/6C7/6E7/25B5 vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-C4] - Five used power compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-C5] - Five used power compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-C6] - Five used power compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-C7] - Twenty used compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [6GH8-32] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-33] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-34] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-35] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-36] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-40] - Lot of 12 used type 6GH8 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B1A/B4A)

Item: [34-32-1] - Lot of 9 used type 32/34/36 vacuum tubes + bonus
Item: [2C40-2] - Lot of 2 used type 2C40 vacuum tubes
Item: [5Z3-4] - Lot of two 5Z3 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6B5-1] - Lot of eight 6B5 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [36-38-1] - Lot of 12 used type 36 and 38 vacuum tubes +bonus
Item: [MIX-2] - Lot of 10 used 1A6/1C6/1A4/1F6/1V Vacuum Tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B2A)

Item: [2E26-1] - Lot of 10 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-2] - Lot of 10 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [1631-1] - Lot of 2 RCA 1631/VT164 Tube (12V 6L6)
Item: [PROJ-1] - Lot of four 750W/1000W projector lamps
Item: [XTAL-1] - Lot of Three NOS/NIB DC-11 Vintage Ham Tube Radio Crystals
Item: [XTAL-2] - Lot of Three NOS/NIB DC-11 Vintage Ham Tube Radio Crystals
Item: [XTAL-3] - Lot of Three NOS/NIB DC-11 Vintage Ham Tube Radio Crystals

Discount Bargain Packs (B11)

Item: [2A5-1] - Lot of five used type 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [2A5-10] - Lot of eight used type 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [2A5-11] - Lot of eight used type 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [6N6-1] - Lot of two used type 6N6 vacuum tubes
Item: [42-7] - Lot of five used type 42 vacuum tubes
Item: [42-8] - Lot of five used type 42 vacuum tubes
Item: [42-10] - Lot of four used type 42 vacuum tubes
Item: [42-11] - Lot of two used type 42 vacuum tubes
Item: [43-1] - Lot of ten used type 43 vacuum tubes
Item: [47-1] - Lot of two used type 47 vacuum tubes
Item: [47-2] - Lot of two used type 47 vacuum tubes
Item: [47-5] - Lot of three used type 47 vacuum tubes
Item: [3DG4-1] - Lot of two used type 3DG4 vacuum tubes
Item: [3DG4-2] - Lot of four used type 3DG4 vacuum tubes
Item: [6CX8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6CX8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6GJ8-1] - Lot of 20 used type 6GJ7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6GJ8-2] - Lot of 20 used type 6GJ7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6GJ8-3] - Lot of 20 used type 6GJ7 vacuum tubes
Item: [9001-1] - Lot of 10 used type 9001 vacuum tubes
Item: [9001-2] - Lot of 9 used type 9001 vacuum tubes
Item: [9002-1] - Lot of 10 used type 9002 vacuum tubes
Item: [9002-1] - Lot of 10 used type 9002 vacuum tubes
Item: [9003-1] - Lot of 10 used type 9003 vacuum tubes
Item: [9003-2] - Lot of 9 used type 9003 vacuum tubes
Item: [9006-1] - Lot of 7 used type 9006 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B28)

Item: [6BJ6-2] - Lot of 12 used type 6BJ6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6LE8-1] - Lot of 40 used type 6LE8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6SQ7-6] - Lot of 10 used type 6SQ7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6SQ7-7] - Lot of 10 used type 6SQ7 vacuum tubes
Item: [6SQ7-8] - Lot of 10 used type 6SQ7 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B33)

Item: [6KT8-1] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-2] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-3] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-4] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-5] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-6] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-7] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes
Item: [6KT8-8] - Lot of 25 used 6KT8 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B39

Item: [12W6-1] - Lot of 18 used 12W6 tubes
Item: [6W4-1] - Lot of 20 used 6W4 tubes
Item: [12AX4-1] - Lot of 15 used 12AX4 tubes
Item: [VREG-8] - Lot of 8 used voltage regulator tubes
Item: [35W4-5] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-6] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-7] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-8] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-9] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-10] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-11] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-12] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-13] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-14] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes
Item: [35W4-15] - Lot of 12 used 35W4 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B12)

Item: [5U4-15] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-16] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-19] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-21] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-22] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-23] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-24] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-25] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-26] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-28] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-29] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-30] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-31] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-32] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-33] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-34] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-35] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [5U4-36] - Lot of two used type 5U4GB vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-1] - Lot of six used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-2] - Lot of four used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-3] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-4] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-5] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-6] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-7] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-8] - Lot of ten used type 6Y6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6Y6-9] - Lot of five used type 6Y6-G vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B14)

Item: [5X4-3] - Lot of seven used type 5X4-G vacuum tubes
Item: [5Y4-1] - Lot of four used type 5Y4-G vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B4)

Item: [6AU5-1] - Lot of 7 used type 6AU5 vacuum tubes
Item: [6BX6-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6BX6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6DX8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6DX8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6DX8-2] - Lot of 10 used type 6DX8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6EJ7-1] - Lot of 11 used type 6EJ7 and 1 used 6EH7 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [8CG7-17] - Lot of 10 used type 8CG7/8FQ7 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [8CG7-18] - Lot of 10 used type 8CG7/8FQ7 RCA Side Getter Vacuum Tubes
Item: [8CG7-19] - Lot of 10 used type 8CG7/8FQ7 RCA Side Getter Vacuum Tubes
Item: [25BQ6-1] - Lot of 22 new/used type 25BQ6 and 12BQ6 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B15)

Item: [6K8-1] - Lot of ten used type 6K8-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K8-2] - Lot of nine used type 6K8-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6L7-1] - Lot of seven used type 6L7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-2] - Lot of eight used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-3] - Lot of eight used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-4] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-5] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-6] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-7] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-8] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-9] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-10] - Lot of four used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6Q7-11] - Lot of seven used type 6Q7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6U7-1] - Lot of ten used type 6U7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6U7-2] - Lot of ten used type 6U7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6U7-3] - Lot of ten used type 6U7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6U7-4] - Lot of five used type 6U7-G vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B16)

Item: [6EA8-2] - Lot of 50 used 6EA8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6EA8-3] - Lot of 50 used 6EA8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6EA8-4] - Lot of 18 used 6EA8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6JW8-1] - Lot of 19 new and used 6JW8 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B17)

Item: [1LH4-1] - Lot of 4 used type 1LH4 vacuum tubes
Item: [1R5-2] - Lot of 10 used type 1R5 vacuum tubes
Item: [1R5-3] - Lot of 10 used type 1R5 vacuum tubes
Item: [1R5-4] - Lot of 10 used type 1R5 vacuum tubes
Item: [1R5-5] - Lot of 10 used type 1R5 vacuum tubes
Item: [1S5-2] - Lot of 8 used 1R5, 1S4 and 1S5 vacuum tubes
Item: [1T4-2] - Lot of 8 used type 1T4 vacuum tubes
Item: [3A4-1] - Lot of 5 used type 3A4 vacuum tubes
Item: [3S4-1] - Lot of 9 used type 3S4 vacuum tubes
Item: [3V4-1] - Lot of 4 type 3V4 and 1 3Q4 vacuum tubes
Item: [12AD6-1] - Lot of 20 used type 12AD6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BL6-1] - Lot of 6 used type 12BL6 vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-10] - Lot of 7 type 12AD6 and 3 12EG6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6BM8-1] - Lot of 5 type 6BM8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6BM8-2] - Lot of 5 type 6BM8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6KE8-1] - Lot of 4 used 6KE8 and 2 used 6KD8 vacuum tubes
Item: [8BQ5-1] - Lot of 5 used 8BQ5 vacuum tubes
Item: [9AQ8-2] - Lot of 6 used 9AQ8 vacuum tubes
Item: [10CW5-1] - Lot of 8 used 10CW5 vacuum tubes
Item: [10GK6-2] - Lot of 12 used 10GK6 and 3 used 16GK6 vacuum tubes
Item: [11BM8-1] - Lot of 8 used 11BM8 vacuum tubes
Item: [11BM8-2] - Lot of 8 used 11BM8 vacuum tubes
Item: [16A8-1] - Lot of 8 used 16A8 vacuum tubes
Item: [5763-1] - Lot of 6 used 5763 vacuum tubes
Item: [5763-2] - Lot of 6 used 5763 vacuum tubes
Item: [5763-3] - Lot of 6 used 5763 vacuum tubes
Item: [5763-5] - Lot of 5 used 5763 vacuum tubes
Item: [6360-1] - Lot of 10 used 6360 vacuum tubes
Item: [6360-2] - Lot of 7 used 6360 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-5] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-6] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-7] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-8] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-9] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-10] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-11] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-12] - Lot of 8 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12BE6-14] - Lot of 16 used type 12BE6 vacuum tubes
Item: [12AV6-15] - Lot of 26 used type 12AV6 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B29 / 29B)

Item: [COMP-1] - Lot of ten used Compactron power Tubes 17HB25 27GB5 29KQ6 18GB5 42EC4 25HX5 6GY5
Item: [COMP-2] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 6JE6C 6JS6A 31JS6C 6LR6 6GE5
Item: [COMP-3] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 6JC5 6HF5 6LU8 40KG6 12JF5
Item: [COMP-4] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 6HV5 6LX6 6LB6 40KD6 24JE6
Item: [COMP-5] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 6HF5 6HF5 30JZ6 30JZ6 6KM6
Item: [COMP-6] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 30JZ6 6JF6 21LG6 21LG6 6HS5
Item: [COMP-7] - Lot of five used Compactron power Tubes 8156 6JB5/6JC5/6HE5 7984 7984 6JT6A
Item: [17JZ8-1] - Lot of 14 used Compactron 17JZ8 tubes
Item: [6MD8-1] - Lot of 12 used Compactron 6MD8 tubes
Item: [6HE5-1] - Lot of 7 used Compactron 6HE5 tubes
Item: [6EW7-2] - Lot of 5 used Compactron 6EW7 tubes
Item: [6GF5-1] - Lot of 3 used Compactron 6GF5 tubes
Item: [14B6-1] - Lot of 12 used 14B6 tubes
Item: [7A6-1] - Lot of 9 used 7A6 tubes
Item: [7A7-1] - Lot of 17 used 7A7 tubes
Item: [7A8-1] - Lot of 17 used 7A8 tubes
Item: [7AG7-1] - Lot of 13 used 7AG7 tubes
Item: [7C7-1] - Lot of 23 used 7C7 tubes
Item: [7C7-2] - Lot of 22 used 7C7 tubes
Item: [7V7-1] - Lot of 16 used 7V7 tubes
Item: [LOCMIX-1] - Lot of 20 used mixed loktal tubes
Item: [LOCMIX-2] - Lot of 20 used mixed loktal tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B30)

Item: [6AU8-1] - Lot of 18 used 6AU8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-2] - Lot of 18 used 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6CL6-1] - Lot of 10 used 6CL6 tubes
Item: [6CL6-2] - Lot of 10 used 6CL6 tubes
Item: [6SA7-2] - Lot of 20 used glass 6SA7-GT tubes
Item: [12SA7-4] - Lot of 20 used metal 12SA7 tubes
Item: [6A8-3] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6A8-4] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6A8-5] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6A8-6] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6A8-7] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6A8-8] - Lot of 10 used 6A8-G tubes
Item: [6H6-3] - Lot of 12 used 6H6-G tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B31)

Item: [6W6-10] - Lot of 10 used 6W6 tubes
Item: [M7MIX-1] - 32 used miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [5749-2] - 10 used 5749 vacuum tubes
Item: [6265-1] - 5 used 6265 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B18)

Item: [6L6-21] - Lot of 5 used type 6L6 metal vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-12] - Lot of 8 used 1A5-G,1B7-G,1C5-G,1C7-G,1J6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-13] - Lot of 8 used 1H5-G,1H6-G,1Q5-G,1N6-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6B8-1] - Lot of 5 used 6B8-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7-2] - Lot of 10 used 6K7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7-3] - Lot of 5 used 6K7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7-4] - Lot of 5 used 6K7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7-5] - Lot of 5 used 6K7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7-6] - Lot of 5 used 6K7-G vacuum tubes
Item: [2X2-1] - Lot of 10 NOS and used type 2X2/879 vacuum tubes
Item: [5BC3-1] - Lot of 2 used type 5BC3 vacuum tubes
Item: [6sk7-1] - Lot of 20 used 6SK7 metal vacuum tubes
Item: [6sk7-3] - Lot of 20 used 6SK7 metal vacuum tubes
Item: [6sk7-4] - Lot of 20 used 6SK7 metal vacuum tubes
Item: [6sk7-5] - Lot of 20 used 6SK7 metal vacuum tubes
Item: [6sk7-7] - Lot of 16 used 6SK7 metal vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B20

Item: [GLASSMIX-2] - Lot of 35 used glass octal vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B22)

Item: [8298-1] - Pair of used type 8298 vacuum tubes
Item: [8298-6] - Lot of two used 8298 tubes
Item: [8298-7] - Lot of two used 8298 tubes
Item: [6146-13] - Lot of four used 6146 vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-13] - Ten used compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-14] - Ten used compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-15] - Ten used compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-18] - Ten used compactron vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-19] - Ten used compactron vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B32)

Item: [6AS8-1] - Lot of 35 used type 6AS8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BA8-1] - Lot of 7 used type 6BA8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BH6-2] - Lot of 40 used type 6BH6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BH6-3] - Lot of 40 used type 6BH6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BH6-4] - Lot of 40 used type 6BH6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BR8-1] - Lot of 16 used type 6BR8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BR8-2] - Lot of 10 used type 6BR8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6BY8-1] - Lot of 14 used type 6BY8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6CS6-1] - Lot of 16 used type 6CS6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6DE6-1] - Lot of 16 used type 6DE6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6DJ6-1] - Lot of 36 used type 6DJ6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6DK6-1] - Lot of 38 used type 6DK6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6GY6-1] - Lot of 18 used type 6GY6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6HA5-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6HA5/6HM5 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JU8-1] - Lot of 9 used type 6JU8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6KA8-1] - Lot of 9 used type 6KA8 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6KT8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6KT8 Vacuum Tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B19/B19A)

Item: [2A5-2] - Lot of 2 used 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [2A5-3] - Lot of 4 used 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [2A5-4] - Lot of 4 used 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [2A5-5] - Lot of 2 used 2A5 vacuum tubes
Item: [27-18] - Lot of 4 used type 27 vacuum tubes
Item: [MIX-15] - Lot of 10 used tubes 6A8G, 6Q7G, 5Y3G, 879, 83V, 80, 24A, 35Z6G
Item: [6K7G-1] - Lot of 20 used type 6K7G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7G-2] - Lot of 20 used type 6K7G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7G-3] - Lot of 20 used type 6K7G vacuum tubes
Item: [6K7G-4] - Lot of 20 used type 6K7G vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs (B36)

No current B36 items

Discount Bargain Packs B21

No current B21 items

Discount Bargain Packs (B24 /B24B)

Item: [SWEEP-21] - Lot of 20 used sweep tubes
Item: [50L6-10] - Lot of 10 used 50L6 tubes
Item: [5Z3-6] - Lot of 5 used 5Z3 tubes
Item: [5Z3-8] - Lot of 5 used 5Z3 tubes
Item: [5Z3-9] - Lot of 5 used 5Z3 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B27

Item: [6AL5-1] - Lot of 100 used type 6AL5 vacuum tubes
Item: [6AL5-2] - Lot of 100 used type 6AL5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12AL5-1] - Lot of 80 used type 12AL5 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B26

Item: [12GC6-1] - Lot of 5 NOS 12GC6 tubes
Item: [6DZ4-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 6DZ4/6AF4A vacuum tubes
Item: [6AZ8-1] - Lot of 9 used type 6AZ8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6KE8-1] - Lot of 9 used type 6KE8 vacuum tubes
Item: [12GN7-1] - Lot of 10 used 12GN7 tubes
Item: [12GN7-2] - Lot of 10 used 12GN7 tubes
Item: [12GN7-3] - Lot of 10 used 12GN7 tubes
Item: [12GN7-4] - Lot of 10 used 12GN7 tubes
Item: [12GN7-5] - Lot of 10 used 12GN7 tubes
Item: [12HL7-1] - Lot of 12 used 12HL7 tubes
Item: [12HL7-2] - Lot of 12 used 12HL7 tubes
Item: [12HL7-3] - Lot of 12 used 12HL7 tubes
Item: [12HL7-4] - Lot of 12 used 12HL7 tubes
Item: [6BN6-1] - Lot of 80 used type 6BN6 vacuum tubes
Item: [6BN6-2] - Lot of 80 used type 6BN6 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B23

Item: [3DG4-5] - Lot of 5 used 3DG4 vacuum tubes
Item: [3DG4-6] - Lot of 5 used 3DG4 vacuum tubes
Item: [6SC7-1] - Lot of 18 used 6SC7 vacuum tubes
Item: [12J5-1] - Lot of used tubes 11ea 12J5, 5ea 6F5, 1ea 6K5, 1ea 12K5
Item: [6LN8-1] - Lot of 10 used 6LN8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6LN8-2] - Lot of 10 used 6LN8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6LN8-3] - Lot of 10 used 6LN8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6LN8-4] - Lot of 10 used 6LN8 vacuum tubes
Item: [LOKMIX-5] - Lot of 10 used loktal vacuum tubes
Item: [LOKMIX-6] - Lot of 10 used loktal vacuum tubes
Item: [LOKMIX-7] - Lot of 9 used loktal vacuum tubes
Item: [6AF4-1] - Lot of 16 used 6AF4 vacuum tubes
Item: [6AF4-2] - Lot of 16 used 6AF4 vacuum tubes
Item: [8136-1] - Lot of 8 used 8136 vacuum tubes
Item: [8136-2] - Lot of 8 used 8136 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B25

Item: [6P5-10] - Lot of 3 used 6P5 tubes
Item: [12SK7-1] - Lot of 23 used 12SK7 tubes
Item: [12SK7-3] - Lot of 20 used 12SK7 tubes
Item: [12SK7-4] - Lot of 20 used 12SK7 tubes
Item: [12SK7-7] - Lot of 14 used 12SK7 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B37

Item: [2E26-23] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-24] - Lot of 20 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-26] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-7] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-8] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-9] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-10] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-11] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-12] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-13] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-14] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-15] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes
Item: [2E26-16] - Lot of 12 used type 2E26 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B38

Item: [2DZ4-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 2DZ4/2AF4B Amperex tubes
Item: [2DZ4-2] - Lot of 5 NOS type 2DZ4/2AF4B Amperex tubes
Item: [5AM8-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 5AM8 Amperex tubes
Item: [5AT8-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 5AT8 Amperex tubes
Item: [5GH8-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 5GH8A Amperex tubes
Item: [5JK6-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 5JK6 Amperex tubes
Item: [6DL4-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 6DL4/EC88 Amperex tubes
Item: [6BN4-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 6BN4A Amperex tubes
Item: [10LE8-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 10LE8 Amperex tubes
Item: [7EY6-1] - Lot of 2 NOS type 7EY6 tubes
Item: [17HB25-1] - Lot of 2 NOS type 17HB25 tubes
Item: [18A5-1] - Lot of 5 NOS type 18A5 tubes
Item: [18A5-2] - Lot of 5 NOS type 18A5 tubes
Item: [18A5-3] - Lot of 4 NOS and 1 used type 18A5 tubes
Item: [18AJ10-1] - Lot of 12 NOS type 18AJ10 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B40

Item: [5CG8-1] - Lot of 18 used type 5CG8 tubes
Item: [6S4-7] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-8] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-9] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-10] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-11] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-12] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-13] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-14] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-15] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-16] - Lot of 10 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-17] - Lot of 20 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6S4-18] - Lot of 20 used type 6S4 tubes
Item: [6AW8-3] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-4] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-5] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-6] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-7] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-8] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-9] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-10] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-11] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6AW8-12] - Lot of 20 used type 6AW8 tubes
Item: [6BU8-1] - Lot of 75 used type 6BU8/6HS8/6MK8 tubes
Item: [6BU8-2] - Lot of 75 used type 6BU8/6HS8/6MK8 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B41

Item: [6AM8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6AM8 tubes
Item: [6AM8-2] - Lot of 12 used type 6AM8 tubes
Item: [6AM8-3] - Lot of 12 used type 6AM8 tubes
Item: [6AM8-4] - Lot of 12 used type 6AM8 tubes
Item: [6AM8-5] - Lot of 12 used type 6AM8 tubes
Item: [6BJ8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6BJ8 tubes
Item: [6CL8-4] - Lot of 12 used type 6CL8 tubes
Item: [6CL8-5] - Lot of 12 used type 6CL8 tubes
Item: [6CL8-7] - Lot of 12 used type 6CL8 tubes
Item: [6CL8-8] - Lot of 12 used type 6CL8 tubes
Item: [6CN7-1] - Lot of 20 used type 6CN7 tubes
Item: [6EH7-5] - Lot of 25 used type 6EH7 tubes
Item: [6EH7-6] - Lot of 25 used type 6EH7 tubes
Item: [6EH7-7] - Lot of 25 used type 6EH7 tubes
Item: [6EH7-8] - Lot of 25 used type 6EH7 tubes
Item: [6EH7-10] - Lot of 25 used type 6EH7 tubes
Item: [6HB7-1] - Lot of 15 used type 6HB7 tubes
Item: [6HB7-2] - Lot of 15 used type 6HB7 tubes
Item: [6HB7-3] - Lot of 15 used type 6HB7 tubes
Item: [6HB7-4] - Lot of 15 used type 6HB7 tubes
Item: [6HF8-1] - Lot of 8 used type 6HF8 tubes
Item: [6HF8-2] - Lot of 8 used type 6HF8 tubes
Item: [6JC6-5] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-6] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-7] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-8] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-9] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-10] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-11] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-12] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-13] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-14] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-15] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JC6-16] - Lot of 15 used type 6JC6 Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6JU8-1] - Lot of 40 used type 6JU8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-2] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-3] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-5] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-6] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-8] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KA8-9] - Lot of 15 used type 6KA8 tubes
Item: [6KE8-2] - Lot of 8 used type 6KE8 tubes
Item: [6KE8-5] - Lot of 8 used type 6KE8 tubes
Item: [6KE8-6] - Lot of 8 used type 6KE8 tubes
Item: [6LF8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6LF8 tubes
Item: [6LF8-2] - Lot of 12 used type 6LF8 tubes
Item: [6LF8-3] - Lot of 12 used type 6LF8 tubes
Item: [6MU8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6MU8 tubes
Item: [6X8-1] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-2] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-3] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-4] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-5] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-6] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-7] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes
Item: [6X8-8] - Lot of 20 used type 6X8 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B42

Item: [6AU8-1] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-2] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-3] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-4] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-5] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-6] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-7] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-8] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-9] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-10] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6AU8-11] - Lot of 12 used type 6AU8/6BH8 tubes
Item: [6BH8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6BH8 tubes
Item: [6BA8-1] - Lot of 8 used type 6BA8 tubes
Item: [6BA8-2] - Lot of 8 used type 6BA8 tubes
Item: [6BA8-3] - Lot of 8 used type 6BA8 tubes
Item: [6BA8-4] - Lot of 8 used type 6BA8 tubes
Item: [6BN8-1] - Lot of 8 used type 6BN8 tubes
Item: [6BN8-2] - Lot of 8 used type 6BN8 tubes
Item: [6BN8-3] - Lot of 8 used type 6BN8 tubes
Item: [6BN8-4] - Lot of 8 used type 6BN8 tubes
Item: [6BY8-1] - Lot of 16 used type 6BY8 tubes
Item: [6CH8-1] - Lot of 6 used type 6CH8 tubes
Item: [6CX8-11] - Lot of 10 used type 6CX8 tubes
Item: [6CX8-12] - Lot of 10 used type 6CX8 tubes
Item: [6CX8-13] - Lot of 10 used type 6CX8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-2] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-3] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-4] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-5] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-6] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-7] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6GN8-8] - Lot of 10 used type 6GN8/6BE8 tubes
Item: [6JT8-1] - Lot of 5 used type 6JT8 tubes
Item: [6KZ8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6KZ8 tubes
Item: [6KZ8-2] - Lot of 10 used type 6KZ8 tubes
Item: [6KZ8-3] - Lot of 10 used type 6KZ8 tubes
Item: [6KZ8-4] - Lot of 10 used type 6KZ8 tubes
Item: [6LC8-1] - Lot of 5 used type 6LC8 tubes
Item: [6LM8-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6LM8 tubes
Item: [6LM8-2] - Lot of 10 used type 6LM8 tubes
Item: [6LY8-1] - Lot of 16 used type 6LY8 tubes
Item: [6MV8-1] - Lot of 5 used type 6MV8 tubes
Item: [8AW8-1] - Lot of 14 used type 8AW8 tubes
Item: [4BQ7-1] - Lot of 30 used 4 and 5 volt dual triode tubes
Item: [4BQ7-2] - Lot of 30 used 4 and 5 volt dual triode tubes
Item: [5BQ7-1] - Lot of 10 NOS 5BQ7A dual triode tubes
Item: [5BQ7-2] - Lot of 10 NOS 5BQ7A dual triode tubes
Item: [9AU7-1] - Lot of 10 used 9AU7 dual triode tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B43

Item: [6GH8-2] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-3] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-4] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-5] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-6] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-7] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-8] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-9] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-10] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-11] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-12] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-13] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-14] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-15] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-16] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-17] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-18] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-19] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-20] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-21] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-22] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-23] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-24] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-25] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-26] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-27] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-28] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-29] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes
Item: [6GH8-30] - Lot of 25 used type 6GH8 tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B44

Item: [PRE-30] - Lot of 29 used Defective Preoctal Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [6U8-5] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-6] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-7] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-8] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-9] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-10] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-11] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-12] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-13] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-14] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-15] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-16] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-17] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-18] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-19] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-20] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-21] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-22] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-23] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-24] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-25] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-26] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-27] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-28] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-29] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-30] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-31] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-32] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-33] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-34] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-35] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-36] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-37] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-38] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-39] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-40] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-41] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes
Item: [6U8-42] - Lot of 10 used type 6U8 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B45

Item: [6BF5-1] - Lot of 10 used type 6BF5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12C5-2] - Lot of 10 used type 12C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12C5-3] - Lot of 10 used type 12C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12ED5-1] - Lot of 10 used type 12ED5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12FX5-1] - Lot of 10 used type 12FX5 vacuum tubes
Item: [12FX5-2] - Lot of 10 used type 12FX5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-7] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-8] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-9] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-10] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-11] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-12] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-13] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-14] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-15] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-16] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-17] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-18] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-19] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-20] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-21] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-22] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-23] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-24] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-25] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-26] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-27] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-28] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-29] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-30] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-31] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [50C5-32] - Lot of 8 used type 50C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [35C5-4] - Lot of 8 used type 35C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [35C5-5] - Lot of 8 used type 35C5 vacuum tubes
Item: [35C5-6] - Lot of 8 used type 35C5 vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B46

No current B46 items

Discount Bargain Packs B47

Item: [6CU8-3] - Lot of 14 used 6CU8 tubes
Item: [12AU6-8] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [12AU6-9] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [12AU6-10] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [12AU6-12] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [12AU6-14] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [12AU6-15] - Lot of 12 used 12au6 tubes
Item: [BMIX-2] - 18 used miniature battery vacuum tubes
Item: [CMIX-19] - Lot of 20 used compactron tripple triode vacuum tubes
Item: [6CM7-2] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-4] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-5] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-6] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-7] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-8] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-9] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-10] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-11] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [6CM7-12] - Lot of 10 used 6CM7 dual triode tubes
Item: [MINI7-MIX-6] - Lot of 600 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI7-MIX-5] - Lot of 400 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI7-MIX-20] - Lot of 100 mixed used 7 pin 6 volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-10] - Lot of 600 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-19] - Lot of 400 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-21] - Lot of 100 mixed used 7 and 9 pin odd volt miniature vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-30] - Lot of 64 mixed used minature 12volt 7pin radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-31] - Lot of 64 mixed used minature 12volt 7pin 12AV6 and 12AT6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-32] - Lot of 64 used minature 12volt 7pin 12AV6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-33] - Lot of 125 used minature 12volt 7pin 12BA6 radio vacuum tubes
Item: [MINI-MIX-34] - Lot of 64 used minature 12volt 7pin 12BA6 radio vacuum tubes

Discount Bargain Packs B48

No current B48 items

Discount Bargain Packs B49

Item: [5750-1] - Lot of 9 used 5750 (special 6BE6) Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [5663-1] - Lot of 8 NOS and used 5663 (thyratron) Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12H6-1] - Lot of 10 NOS RCA 12H6/VT214 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12H6-2] - Lot of 10 NOS RCA 12H6/VT214 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [12H6-3] - Lot of 10 NOS RCA 12H6/VT214 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [25C5-3] - Lot of 12 Used 25C5 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [45Z3-1] - Lot of 20 NOS Cunningham 45Z3 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [45Z3-3] - Lot of 8 each 45Z3 Radio Vacuum Tubes
Item: [SUBM-1] - Subminiature Radio Vacuum Tubes With Sockets And Retainer Clips
Item: [EURO-1] - Unknown Euro style Radio Vacuum Tube

Discount Bargain Packs B50

Item: [6AL5-X3DR-1] - Lot of 5 used solid state 6AL5
Item: [ADJ-SPARKGAP-1] - Adjustable Spark Gap
Item: [BIG-STROBE-1] - Big GE FT36/H Strobe Tube
Item: [CARTRIDGE-PHOTOCELL-1] - Old Cartidge Photo Cell
Item: [FLASHER-1] - Unusual Tung-Sol Flasher
Item: [PHOTOCELL-1] - Unusual Photocell
Item: [VARISTOR-1] - Lot of Two Plug in Varistors
Item: [XCRYSTAL-1] - Unusual Crystal

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Click on the desired link above to find the bargain you need.
Then just send us an email indicating the discount bargain pack(s) you want (use the [item] number).
We will let you know the total price including shipping and handling.

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We do not separately sell individual items in a pack.

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